tisdag 1 april 2008


So do you feel inspired by this video, do you wanna play, post a link to your layout down here and then by April 20 I show you some of the coolest stuff right here on the blog.

6 kommentarer:

Nathalie Kalbach sa...

Oh my gosh - I have to send the link to my friend Vicki! She will love this- her niece is in Tilly's :-)

Vicki Chrisman sa...

lol.. Nat did send me the link ... so gald to find your blog. Yep... my niece is in the band. Neely ..she is the one with the long hair. I just got to see them sing this in Omaha a couple of weeks ago.

Mexx sa...

hi there this is my first time here so i try do to a lo and this is how it turned out you can see at sis so here is my link to it http://www.scrapinstyletv.com/portfolio/view_layout.php?layout_id=84879&user_id=5898

anne_rausminiu sa...
Den här kommentaren har tagits bort av skribenten.
anne_rausminiu sa...

okay.. so here is my layout! sorry i think i did something wrong with my first comment!



Manon sa...

I knwo I'm a little late, but I just found your blog via anne.You will find my layout here: